We work closely with partnership school colleagues to support you in developing your professional practice, providing you with excellent opportunities to engage in wider professional issues relating to pedagogy and the curriculum.
You will choose to specialise in either a lower primary or an upper primary route. The lower primary route covers the 3-7 age range and you will have assessed placements in both Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. The upper primary route covers the 7-11 age range and you will have assessed placements in both lower Key Stage 2 (year 3 or 4) and upper Key Stage 2 (year 5 or 6). Whichever route you choose to specialise in you will be qualified for the whole 3-11 age range on successful completion of the course.
You will be expected to critically engage with educational issues and develop as reflective practitioners, able to evaluate and adapt your practice to meet the needs of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. The University provides a strong centre-based opportunity to develop and share good practice.
Your professional development will be underpinned throughout the course by essential theoretical knowledge. You will assess current research and developments at local, national and international levels, critically engaging with the educational issues which will shape your teaching practice.
You will gain a thorough understanding of the current primary and early years curriculum, including core and foundation subjects. We emphasise the importance of meeting the individual needs of children from diverse backgrounds. This includes learning about the impact of ethnicity, the challenges raised by teaching those with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN/D).
The PGCE Primary programme is structured in phases (introductory, developmental and consolidation). Each phase builds upon the last to enable you to reflect upon your learning and make effective links with curriculum and pedagogy through relating theory to practice.
Unlike the school-centred route, you can also study for your University centred PGCE on a part time basis. This makes the course more accessible if you have care responsibilities or want to work while you study. It also allows more time for reflection and the development of key skills. The part time course runs over two academic years. You will work alongside the students on the full time PGCE course. You will access the same taught sessions and opportunities.