University of Huddersfield - Economics and Econometrics MSc by Research

University of Huddersfield

Economics and Econometrics MSc by Research

A Master's by Research (MSc) allows you to undertake a one year (full time) research degree. It contains little or no formal taught component. This type of study gives you the chance to explore a research topic over a shorter time than a more in-depth doctoral programme.

Research Master's degrees are also ideal for individuals who are in industrial or commercial employment and who wish to undertake Research and Development on a part-time basis to solve problems or develop enhancements for their work purposes. In such cases it is generally possible to construct a Master's by Research project whereby the candidate works closely with one or more members of University staff who provide the specialist knowledge and supervisory input, whilst enabling the candidate to access the vast equipment and information resources of the University.

You’ll be expected to work to an approved programme which you will develop in conjunction with your supervisor within the first few months of starting your studies. Whilst undertaking the research project you will also have the opportunity to develop your research skills by taking part in training courses and events.

At the end of the project you write up your findings in the form of a short thesis of around 25,000 words and this will then be examined.

On successful completion, you will be awarded your degree and if you have enjoyed this taste of research you may then decide to apply for the full research doctoral degree (PhD).

You will be appointed a main supervisor who will normally be part of a supervisory team, comprising up to three members. The research supervisor will advise and support you on your project.

Entry Requirements

he normal entry requirements for enrolment on a MSc by Research is an upper second honours degree (2.1) from a UK university or a qualification of an equivalent standard, in a discipline appropriate to that of the proposed programme to be followed.

If your first language is not English, you will need to meet the minimum requirements of an English Language qualification. The minimum for IELTS is 6.5 overall with no element lower than 6.0, or equivalent will be considered acceptable

Course Details

Huddersfield Business School has staff, research groups and a centre that conduct cutting-edge research across a number of business and management subjects, including accounting and finance, logistics, operations and hospitality management, people, management and organisations, and strategic, marketing and economics. The Economics and Econometrics (MSc by Research) is located in the Department of Strategy, Marketing and Economics with cognate research in other departments.

Business and Management covers a broad range of subject areas across four departments: * Accounting, Finance and Economics * Logistics, Operations and Hospitality Management * People, Management and Organisations * Strategy, International Business and Marketing

*The information’s are correct at the time of publishing, however it may change if university makes any changes after we have published the information. While we try our best to provide correct information, It is advisable to call us or visit university website for up to date information.

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