Our Professional Certificate in Education (PCE) will give you the skills to become a teacher in Further Education colleges.
We focus on teaching in a variety of settings, including colleges, adult education centres, and community organisations. The course develops your knowledge of pedagogy and helps you gain vital classroom management skills. For full-time students, we offer placements in a variety of subjects. These include animal care, art and design, beauty and hairdressing, catering, childcare, construction, leisure and tourism, humanities, photography and sport science.
We offer endorsements in the following subject areas, which is equivalent to a Level 5 Diploma in the teaching of the subject area:
- Numeracy
- Literacy
- ESOL (English for speakers of other languages)
- ESOL and Literacy.
You will complete at least 100 hours of teaching experience (125 hours for ESOL and Literacy). For distance learning, you must be in a teaching/training role, and all practice is carried out in your setting.
We also offer QTLS in partnership with the Society of Education and Training (SET), making us the first provider to offer this in London.
- The full-time course is available in September. If you study by distance-learning, you can begin in September or January.
- Ofsted rated the quality of teacher training as 'Good' in its report on our initial teacher education provision.
- You can specialise in your chosen subject and gain over 100 hours of experience in a placement college.
- 96% of our graduates gain employment within six months.
- If you study full-time, you will be on placement three to four days a week.