UWE Bristol - MSc Robotics

UWE Bristol

MSc Robotics

Drawing on the expertise of the internationally renowned Bristol Robotics Laboratory, and provided in partnership with the University of Bristol, this is a unique opportunity to advance your skills and knowledge in the fast-growing area of robotics and automation.

An expanding industry

Innovation in robotics is evolving more rapidly than ever before. This progress is providing a wide range of industries and professions with access to increasingly sophisticated technology.

As well as enjoying a growing commercial side, robotics also supports global scientific research in unprecedented ways, giving us access to more remote, unpredictable and hazardous locations.

The autonomous and remotely operated devices being invented have broad applications and uses, including manufacturing, agriculture, security and medicine. These developments have enabled the robotics to become a billion-dollar industry, creating a growing worldwide demand for experts in this field.

A unique partnership

MSc Robotics is available through a partnership between UWE Bristol and the University of Bristol, providing a comprehensive understanding of advanced robotics and automation systems.

This unique partnership will give you access to the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, a world-leading centre for autonomous robotic systems and research. You'll gain a strong skillset in robotics and automation needed for many technology careers.

An inclusive curriculum

Our new problem-based curriculum will broaden our engineering audience, enabling students from a wider range of backgrounds to pursue a career in engineering. To date, we're the first university in the UK to transform our curriculum alongside constructing a new engineering building.

As a student engineer, you'll start your professional journey towards becoming an incorporated or chartered engineer from day one. You'll learn by doing, applying and revisiting your early skills through embedded project weeks and development of digital and physical prototypes, just as you would in practice.

Entry Requirements

An upper second-class honours degree in an Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or related subject. Other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Career Prospects

MSc Robotics provides an excellent route into this increasingly important area of innovation, and into research and development. Develop core skills that you'll take with you through your career, such as innovation, teamwork and creativity.

The course also offers the specialisms to support doctorate-level studies and ongoing research careers. You could also go into research by studying a PhD at Bristol Robotics Laboratory.

The partnership between UWE Bristol and the University of Bristol has created a unique centre of excellence for engineering. You'll learn in the heart of one of the UK's most important engineering hubs.

Thanks to Bristol's respected reputation in aeronautics and electronics, the city is a major base for renowned companies in the sector. For example, both universities share close links with Airbus, Rolls Royce, Toshiba and Hewlett Packard.

Our award-winning careers service helps you develop your employment potential through career coaching, a vacancy service for internships, placements, jobs, global opportunities, volunteering and community activity plus support for entrepreneurial activity, and access to employer events.

Course Details

The optional modules listed are those that are most likely to be available, but they may be subject to change.

The course is designed and structured to help you develop the critical and practical skills needed to create intelligent robotics systems. Throughout your studies, this will involve understanding and critically analysing the nature of intelligence in natural and artificial systems, and using the resulting insights to build smart technologies.

Robotics Systems (20 credits) - An overview of the latest robotics research and a hands-on approach to the subject, introducing key topics such as PID control and modelling, computer vision, robotic design and mobile robotics.
Robotic Fundamentals (15 credits) - Focuses upon three fundamentals of robots: the mechanics of robot bodies kinematic properties and algorithms, intelligent control techniques, and programming.
Human-Robot Interaction. (15 credits) - An overview of human-robot interaction (HRI) as a research field. It will cover different contexts in which humans interact with robots now and in the future.
Machine Vision (15 credits) - Introduces image processing as well as state-of-the-art feature extraction and machine learning, with research-informed teaching, aiming to provide students with the key skills to meet industry needs.
Robotics Research Technology and Methods (20 credits) - The aim of this unit is to introduce you to the social, industrial and research context of robotics and autonomous systems, preparing you to perform independent research in these areas.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (10 credits)
Dissertation (60 credits).

Optional module
Advanced Control and Dynamics
Assistive Robotics.
In addition, one optional module from:

Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Information Systems
Transport and mobility Modelling
Soft Robotics.

*The information’s are correct at the time of publishing, however it may change if university makes any changes after we have published the information. While we try our best to provide correct information, It is advisable to call us or visit university website for up to date information.

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