University of Hertfordshire - MA Illustration (Online)

University of Hertfordshire

MA Illustration (Online)

Foster your creativity and enhance your employment opportunities by joining MA Illustration. The aim of this postgraduate programme is to equip you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required to practice at an advanced level. There is a strong emphasis on professional practice and the real-world applications of art and design. You'll develop key research skills and gain a good understanding of the work of other practitioners in your field. 

Senior research staff and internationally renowned practitioners work with postgraduate students, helping you to develop original and challenging work. Our staff are experienced in research and professional practice, and you'll also benefit from contributions from visiting designers and professionals, as well as from involvement with our international exhibitions programme. 

Every step of the way, you'll develop your imaginative, creative and technical potential as an illustrator. We'll invite you to examine a range of media in the field of illustration. For example, the role of image-making in new and traditional media, and illustration's relationships with fine art and digital media.

We'll give you an opportunity to develop advanced knowledge and skills in the use of narrative storytelling. You'll discover its relationship to illustration, as well as illustrative conventions in children's and adult literature, comics and other media. We'll encourage you to develop the entrepreneurial and commercial skills you'll need to develop your work to its full potential. You'll gain the practical and intellectual skills to thrive as a practicing artist. By working alongside artists and designers on other postgraduate courses you'll explore the possibilities for the illustrator today, questioning conventions and refining the direction of your practice.

By studying the MA Illustration (online) or Graphic Design (online), you can fit studies around work and life commitments. Find out more about online distance learning. 

Entry Requirements

An undergraduate degree in the classification of 2:2 or above is mandatory. In exceptional circumstances, students may be taken onto the programme with alternative qualifications and experience.

All applicants are required to submit a portfolio in support of their application. This visual portfolio that must contain a selection of images of finished designs, images of sketchbook work and images that shows the design development process and research in the area of intended study.

All international students are required to demonstrate suitable levels of English language competence. This can be through previous study in English, but we often require specific performance in English tests. All undergraduates must be able to prove a minimum of IELTS 6.5 with at least 5.5 in every component or equivalent.

Career Prospects

This course prepares you for many diverse opportunities as an illustrator. We will examine how illustration, using traditional and digital media, is an important adjunct to communication. Whether as a freelance illustrator or as a part of a team, illustrators are uniquely placed to construct their own place in the creative economy. The course is designed to help you understand and work within the contemporary industrial environment and particular attention is given to helping you acquire entrepreneurial skills. The research skills students gain open up further job prospects. Many graduates of the course are now successful professional illustrators

Course Details

This course is designed to help you develop your practice and give you the skills recovery to further your career in industry both in the UK and abroad. The course includes practice based modules where you will explore and develop your work as an illustrator. It also contains course or research skills, entrepreneurialism and professional practice. The final part of the course enables you to complete a major project.

Content is delivered entirely online, through video lectures, online presentations, text and image resources, Skype tutorials and email. Students have one-to-one support from the course leader and from a specialist tutor. Students share their work with their peers in online galleries, where they can receive critique from staff and students. There is no requirement to attend lectures on campus, and coursework is submitted electronically via our Virtual Learning Environment, Studynet.

Research and enquiry (online)
Creative economies (online)
Discourse and reflection (online)
Practice 1: art and design (online)
Practice 2: art and design (online)
Major study: illustration (online)

*The information’s are correct at the time of publishing, however it may change if university makes any changes after we have published the information. While we try our best to provide correct information, It is advisable to call us or visit university website for up to date information.

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