This course will further develop the knowledge and skills acquired during your undergraduate studies by enhancing your ability to understand the importance of Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) for creating a competitive advantage for businesses. The idea of managers who can “bridge” between different areas is one that has been promoted by the British Computing Society (BCS) for some time. The “bridger” has to have a wide perspective and be equipped with the organisational and people skills to break down the barriers between IT and business.
The aim of this course is to develop you to be a leader in your organisation, enabling the full benefits of modern technology to be realised. The course is interdisciplinary and you will learn about information systems alongside the core areas of business and management which are at the heart of this course. The course will prepare you to make critical high-level managerial and organisational decisions and to back these up with the best information gathering and deployment methods. You will also develop your ability to analyse problems logically and apply appropriate decision-making skills and knowledge to reach feasible, realistic conclusions.