The Foundation Year in Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering has been specifically designed to allow you to enhance your knowledge and skills of core mathematics as well as of core physics and electrical engineering principles, whilst enabling you to progress to your selected BSc or BEng course upon successful completion.
Taught by a specialist team of academics, this course consists of six modules and is organised in two pathways. The core modules will cover key aspects which lie at the foundation of all mathematical, physical, and technological disciplines. The sixth module is the pathway module, differentiating mathematics students from physics and electrical engineering students.
During the program, you will develop fundamental research skills and independent learning skills through specialized and research-informed modules. You will build a broad range of mathematical and scientific competencies addressing real-world problems and develop key employability skills that will prove invaluable when you enter the workplace. During laboratory and IT sessions, you will apply the theories taught in lectures and acquire practical experience to enhance your understanding of the teaching material.