Humanities Study Abroad (60 credit) (Optional,60 Credits)
The American West (Optional,20 Credits)
Affluence and Anxiety: The US from 1920 to 1960 (Optional,20 Credits)
Slavery, Sectionalism and Manifest Destiny (Optional,20 Credits)
Your Graduate Future (Optional,20 Credits)
From Reconstruction to Reunification: Europe, 1945-1991 (Optional,20 Credits)
Ireland before and after the Great Famine, 1798-1916 (Optional,20 Credits)
Into the Dark Valley: Europe, 1919-1939 (Optional,20 Credits)
The Holocaust (Optional,20 Credits)
Enlightenment to Empire: France in an Age of Revolution, 1715-1815 (Optional,20 Credits)
Early Modern Monarchies: Power and Representation, 1500-1750 (Optional,20 Credits)
Rise of the Russian Empire: the Romanovs, 1613-1855 (Optional,20 Credits)
Power and Freedom: West African History, 1850 to 2010 (Optional,20 Credits)
Origins of the Modern Middle East, c. 1770-1970 (Optional,20 Credits)
Migration, Diaspora and the Making of Modern Britain (Optional,20 Credits)
Witches, Knights and Plague: Medieval Europe on Film (Optional,20 Credits)
British Empires: The First Two Hundred Years (Optional,20 Credits)
History/Film: Using Popular Film as Historical Evidence (Optional,20 Credits)
Travel Writing and Tourism in Modern Britain and Ireland (Optional,20 Credits)
Field Notes: Politics and Policy Making in Place (Optional,20 Credits)
Theories and Practice of Democracy (Core,20 Credits)
Global Governance (Core,20 Credits)
Theories of International Relations (Optional,20 Credits)
UK Politics Beyond Westminster (Optional,20 Credits)
Foreign Policy Analysis (Optional,20 Credits)
From Bastille to Strasbourg- A Journey through Human Rights (Optional,20 Credits)
Representing Political Violence (Optional,20 Credits)
Unilang - Languages for all - Level 5 Placeholder (Optional,20 Credits)
Academic Language Skills for Humanities and Social Sciences (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)