Kingston University was ranked No.3 in London for journalism, publishing and public relations in the Guardian University Guide League tables 2022.
Do you aspire to work in magazines? This course will give you the best possible start on the road to success. It addresses subjects such as writing, sub-editing, magazine production, blogging and design techniques, research skills, and how to generate lively, interactive content for the web.
This course features hands-on activities such as feature writing, interviewing, sub-editing, magazine production, blogging, and writing and uploading online copy.
In an editorial team, you will produce two magazines and a magazine website and undertake a placement on a published title.
You will also have the opportunity to study magazine design, production, fashion, and sports or data journalism. Finally, you will carry out a 12–15,000 word dissertation or a related practical project.
Reasons to choose Kingston University
- Kingston has a successful partnership with magazine publisher Haymarket, which offers placements, joint projects, and job opportunities.
- You will produce an online and print magazine. For the last three years it has been shortlisted for, and/or won, the national Student Publication Awards.
- Our popular design classes will cover professional training in both InDesign and Photoshop. You will produce video journalism and podcasts as well as have access to the new media lab at our Knights Park campus and the new library's dedicated magazines/journals area.