As a registered Occupational Therapist, you will have the privilege to work with people of all ages to help them participate in occupations that hold personal meaning and value to them.
Occupational Therapists are the only profession that uses occupation (the things people do every day which can affect their health and wellbeing) as a therapeutic tool to improve their health, wellbeing and quality of life, enabling them to live the life they want.
- Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to enhance your attributes as a compassionate and caring critical thinker with an inquisitive and problem-solving mind, as well as developing your communication skills with people of all ages and abilities.
- You will undertake three professional practice placements during their course in diverse, contemporary and community environments which are tailored to learning needs.
- The two-year postgraduate course leads to eligibility to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) (additional costs may apply).