The principles of tourism marketing management will be covered in this conversion course, giving you a framework for understanding business growth and marketing strategy in a field that is becoming more global and fast-paced. Learn tourism and hospitality at one of the top ten universities in the world.
Explore the use of IT and social media in destination management and marketing, develop a critical understanding of current marketing issues, and challenge trends.
Review the connections between marketing organizations, planning, budgeting, marketing strategies, and communication in relation to the customer experience.
To further increase your employability, choose to complete a 30-week work placement that is optional.
Gain from the opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad and getting to know a new place and culture.
Course accreditations
The accrediting bodies on this course are renowned industry-wide for promoting excellence and the highest standards, all of which is reflected in the BU Business School Experience:
- Recognition as an Institute of Travel & Tourism Centre of Excellence signifies BU as an industry-leading university
- Accreditation by the Tourism Management Institute ensures this course meets standards aligned to the needs of the tourism sector, enhancing future employment prospects when you graduate
- Being recognised as a United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO.TedQual) course provides opportunities for you to participate in tourism policy events of the highest-level, as well as obtaining placements in the most prestigious tourism organisations globally.