Become a forward-thinking marketing communications specialist with unrivaled knowledge of the planning, development, and strategy of advertising in conjunction with other marketing initiatives. acquire specialized knowledge and abilities in the areas of branding, creativity, media planning, and strategy.
Learn how to solve problems in advertising and marketing communications by coming up with strategic solutions.
Work on real industry briefs for unit assessments and gain knowledge from experts who present guest lectures and workshops every year.
collaborate with staff to develop academic and professional research, as well as consulting initiatives for industry clients.
15 months after graduating, 96% of our marketing communications students are still working or attending school.
Graduate with a BU degree and more
BU is a Strategic Partner of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) – the world’s leading professional marketing body. Our partnership gives you the opportunity to gain professional qualifications through the CIM Graduate Gateway.
During your second year you'll also have the opportunity to take the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) Foundation Certificate. The IPA has a well-earned reputation for thought leadership, best practice and continuous professional development in the advertising industry