Our Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (SPACE) is active in a wide range of research in education policy and practice, and engages in education research across all age phases, from Early Years, through Primary and Secondary Schools, to FE and Post-16, Higher Education and lifelong learning.
- Research students in Education will join a thriving research community and be part of one of the University’s Research Centres of Excellence.
- We offer supervision for study either part-time or full-time towards a Ph.D. degree.
- If you are accepted for a Ph.D., there is a University-wide taught course in research methodologies, and you will be assigned to a director of studies, and at least one-second supervisor will also be appointed.
- You will have access to a dedicated research room for postgraduate researchers
- You’re encouraged to publish in collaboration with your supervisors and to take part in research conferences and events.