BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology is a course that focusses on the technical expertise required to develop computer games. The core modules deep-dive into 2D and 3D graphics rendering, physics, artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction required for the development of high-end computer games platforms. The course will also involve working in small and large multi-disciplinary (creative and technical) teams for the development of computer games.
While studying your computer games degree, you will use our state-of-the-art computer games technology lab, which is kitted with high-performance PCs with dual monitors and cutting edge GPUs, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and XBox development kits, as well as a variety of industry standard software.
Our collaborations with Microsoft, Unity and Sony, coupled with our state-of-the-art technology will help you develop the skills you need to be successful in the games industry and beyond.
This course aims to develop critical, current, analytical and agile graduates, who:
- produce computer games in a legal and ethical manner;
- have a diverse understanding of the key issues that exist in games development;
- combine the critical faculties that derive from a traditional academic degree with the professional skills and flexibility needed to get the best jobs in the games development industry;
- can manage their own personal development and lifelong learning;
- are equipped to be familiar with a variety of contemporary industry tools and agile enough to respond to new technologies and consumer trends.
What's covered in the course?
On the course, you will learn a range of technical and professional skills, including understanding fundamentals and advanced coding practices, graphics programming, network communications and artificial intelligence. You will work independently and in teams, as well as develop strong written and oral communication skills.
The course philosophy highlights the importance of going beyond your studies – therefore, we encourage you to participate in many extracurricular activities. As we are located in the heart of Birmingham city centre, we are close to many independent game studios, who host events throughout the year. We also regularly participate in international game development competitions such as Global Game Jam and Microsoft’s Imagine Cup, all of which give you the opportunity to showcase your talent on a wider stage, and network with others in the industry.
You will not only learn about mainstream and traditional video game development, but also explore allied and emerging disciplines such as serious and educational game development, augmented and virtual reality, as well as simulations. You’ll have the opportunity to execute a 30-week work placement in the industry, which you can complete at home or overseas. The experience allows you to place the specialist knowledge and skills acquired on the course in a real world working context.
The experience will allow you to create a network of professional contacts, and build your CV, both of which are essential for entering the job market. Upon graduation, you could progress into a range of careers in the game industry, for example game or graphics programmer, tools programmer or QA tester in either larger companies or independent studios. You will also have the skills to enable you to work in allied disciplines such as a serious or educational game developer. Alternatively, you could work in more traditional computing or software engineering roles, start your own company or progress into further education.