Are you interested in using ethical hacking to identify security issues and develop solutions to them? Develop the adaptability and personal qualities required to manage, implement, and evaluate the security of business activities in a global context. Develop and enhance your applied technical skills to weaponize technology to prevent or respond to security incidents in any organization. Participate in a variety of practical, industry-focused tasks and research projects, not only with BU staff but also with experts from other institutions and industries in the UK and around the world. If you choose to take a placement, you will gain valuable work experience. You'll be qualified to work as an IT security professional in any industry where cyber security is important.
Course details
In this course, you will be taught by a range of staff with relevant expertise and knowledge appropriate to the content of the unit. This will include senior academic staff, qualified professional practitioners, demonstrators, technicians, and research students. You will also benefit from regular guest lectures from the industry.